Center for Electoral Studies was established with the aim of promoting and integrating research on electoral systems and political behaviour. It coordinates research and educational projects related to elections, disseminating reliable knowledge on the subject. Our Center provides a platform for the regular exchange of experiences and ideas for researchers specialising in electoral studies.

For more details please see "About Us" page or follow us on X (formerly Twitter).

Każda złotówka zainwestowana w badania i innowacje generuje od 4 do 7 zł zwrotu w gospodarce. Dziś Premier @donaldtusk przekazał kolejne 0,5 mld zł na Narodowe Centrum Nauki @NCN_PL, które wspiera działalność naukową w zakresie kluczowych badań podstawowych. Potrzebujemy…

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Recent research & outreach activities of our members


Workshops "Quantitative Research in Political Science"

„Quantitative Research in Political Science” Workshops are regular, specialized educational workshops designed to enhance the analytical skills of political science students and professionals. 

Interdisciplinary Seminar in Empirical Social Science (ISESS)

Interdisciplinary Seminar in Empirical Social Science (ISESS) is a monthly seminar series that brings together scholars from diverse backgrounds in social science who are interested in comparative empirical research. It creates a unique interdisciplinary and inter-institutional forum to present work in progress and receive feedback.

NCN Grant – Women Representation in Local Government

The grant aims to explore the representation gaps between local and national levels of government and between legislative and executive bodies, particularly focusing on the participation of women in politics. This project will conduct a comparative study across European democracies to understand these dynamics, with a particular focus on Poland.

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Center for Electoral Studies UW
